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eBill: Pay bill with one click

Pay your Green bill easily thanks to eBill. From now on, Green offers payment with eBill. Green customers thus have the possibility to pay bills via their own online banking (after activating eBill) with just one click. Sign up for eBill today.

How it works

You receive the Green bill in your e-banking, check the attached PDF and release it for payment (no additional costs).

Activation of eBill

In your e-banking, look for the menu item "E-bill" or "eBill" and add AG or Green Datacenter AG to the list of billers there. That's it.

What advantages does this give me?

  • Simple: No manual typing of a payment slip
  • Fast: A few mouse clicks and a scheduled payment
  • Secure: The transmission of the e-bill is encrypted
  • Paperless: Good for the environment. Saving and printing is possible