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Woman checks suspicious phishing messages on her laptop.

Phishing: the invisible threat on the internet

In the digital age, the Internet has enriched our lives in many ways. But while we enjoy the benefits of the connected world, an invisible threat lurks in the background: phishing. What are these sophisticated scams? And how can we protect ourselves?

What is phishing?

Phishing is a sophisticated scam that criminals use to try to get personal information such as passwords, credit card details, or bank account information. They pretend to be a trusted organization, such as your bank or PayPal, an online store like Amazon or Zalando, or even a package delivery service like the Post or DHL.

The scammers' methods

Phishers use a variety of methods to achieve their goal. One common tactic is to send fake emails that look like legitimate messages. These emails often ask you to click on a link and enter your personal information. Another method is to create fake websites that look real and are designed to spy on your sensitive information.

How can I spot a phishing attack?

To protect yourself, it is important to know the signs of a phishing attack. Look for misspellings or odd grammar in emails, and check the sender's address. Phishers also often use urgent requests to get you to take immediate action. Another red flag is a request to provide sensitive information over an unsecure channel, such as email, rather than a secure website.

How can I protect myself against phishing attacks?

Fortunately, there are ways to protect yourself from phishing attacks. Be suspicious if you receive unexpected emails, especially if they ask for personal information. Never give out sensitive information unless you are absolutely sure the source is trustworthy. Always check the URL of a Web site before entering personal information. A secure site starts with "https://", not "http://".

What should I do if I receive a phishing attack?

If you suspect you have been the victim of a phishing attack, act quickly. Immediately change all affected passwords and notify the affected companies or organizations of the incident. You can also report the incident to the National Cyber Security Center NCSC using their form:

The bottom line

Phishing is an invisible threat on the internet that can affect us all. By learning about phishing attacks and taking the necessary precautions, we can increase our digital security. Be wary of suspicious emails and always verify the authenticity of websites. The protection of our personal information is in our hands - let's fight phishing together!

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