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Email Server Connection Data (Web- & Mailhosting)

Do you prefer to use your own mailclient instead of accessing your email via the web? In this case, you will need to do an initial setup for your mailclient of choice. You can pick between two options as your account type: IMAP or POP3.

In the following section you will find the connection details necessary to connect your mailclient to our servers.

Note: We recommend that you use IMAP as your account type. If you would like to know why this is, please view this page:

What are the differences between IMAP and POP3?


The following hosting packages are relevant for this guide:

Note: If you own an email address that is a ConsumerMail / SurfMail address, please view this guide instead:
Email Server Connection Data (ConsumerMail / SurfMail)

Connection Data


Email Inbound Server (IMAP)

IMAP Server
Port (SSL/TLS) 993
Port (STARTTLS)* 143


Email Outbound Server (SMTP)

SMTP Server
Port (SSL/TLS) 465
Port (STARTTLS)* 587


Email Inbound Server (POP3)

POP3 Server
Port (SSL/TLS) 995
Port (STARTTLS)* 110

*Note: The use of SSL/TLS instead of STARTTLS as encryption type is recommended.

Additionaly the valid connection data can be found inside of the Web & Mail Control Panel. You may access it using your MY user or any other user with admin permissions.