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Data Processing Agreement (DPA)

If you process personal data with Green services, you need a Data Processing Agreement in accordance with the Federal Act on Data Protection (FADP 235.1, Article 8 with entry into force on September 1st, 2023). This agreement regulates the responsibilities between you as the customer and Green as the order processor. A revocation of the ADV is possible at any time.

Conclude the DPA agreement

Log in to MyGreen and access the menu item Data protection/securiy. If you cannot log in to, you will find instructions  here.

At the 2nd point «Data Processing Agreement» you can view the agreement under «read». 

After you accept the agreement and press «Apply changes», the completed agreement is available for download. In the document, after the title, the agreement date and your customer details are noted so that you can prove that the agreement has been completed. 

You can revoke this agreement at any time by unchecking the box and saving it again.