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Reset the password

To log in to your customer portal, call up the following URL in your browser You can log in here with your user name and password. The default username always starts with MY and a combination of numbers. You received this username from us after activating the services.

If you no longer know your password, please click on the Reset Password button.

Once you have clicked on Forgot password, you will get to a new window where you can reset your password.

Enter either your customer number or the user name in the field. You can find the customer number on your invoice or on the order confirmation you received from us after activating the services. 

Enter the corresponding captcha code and click on "Send link again".

The link will then be sent to the mail address from your custmomer account


Click on the link, which you have received from the mail address

You can now set a new password on the URL and confirm it.

Please note that the new password must meet the following guidelines:

  • The password must be between 12 and 64 characters long
  • The password must contain at least one special character (-@#+*!$_%?.;:)
  • The password must contain at least one digit
  • The password must consist of upper and lower case letters
  • The password must not contain any spaces

Once you have entered and confirmed the new password, click Save.

You can now log in with your new password at

If you have not received an e-mail or the e-mail address in your customer account is no longer correct, please contact us at or by phone at 0564602323.